原文:Five ways to make your app video-ad friendly
允许视频数据预拉取缓存(Load ads well in advance to permit buffering)
The moment you load a video ad, behind the scenes the ad starts buffering (essentially pre-loading) the video
开始加载一个视频广告,仅仅是视频资源开始启动资源加载和缓存,所以the network is the bottleneck
Load your ad at least 15 seconds in advance of showing it
及时释放无效广告(Free unused ads)
On Android, we recommend you null your reference to the ad, and if you’re using native ads, call
on the main thread. On iOS, set your reference to nil.
Android 推荐将广告引用置空,如果是调用原生广告,需要在住线程调用UnifiedNativeAd.destroy()
;iOS则是将引用置 nil。
避免加载多个广告(Avoid loading multiple concurrent ads)
Every phone has a limit to the number of videos it can hold in a prepared state.
在广告loaded回调后再展示广告(Don’t show an ad before receiving a notification that it has loaded)
GMA SDK通过通知notifications同步视频广告的加载及播放状态。
On Android, this notification arrives through AdListener.onAdLoaded().
在播放视频广告前释放应用自身的视频资源(Be extra cautious combining video ads with video content)